So, these crazy kids with their socialism. What's up with that?
And these CEOs having the wealth of nations, am I right?
Pure socialism was bad. Pure capitalism was bad. Pure libertarianism is bad. Pure communism is really bad.
Every nation or district where these were attempted have resulted in failure. Look it up.
So what's the answer?
Well, I'm no economist. Reading Paul Krugman on twitter doesn't count. But I gotta believe the following is a good idea, and would love an explanation of why it isn't.
I think of it as a walled city approach. Each side represents a filter of letting in the good stuff and filtering out the bad. Like this:
Everyone has a job, stock in the company, and makes a living wage according to their rank. Good!
Innovation and growth is stifled by the "common good". Bad!
The government regulates businesses to eliminate corruption, fraud, and poor quality in the marketplace. Good!
The government takes all the money and property and doles out rations. Bad!
The individual has a right to make money and grow as a professional or business owner. Good!
The individual can hoard the wealth of nations while their employees starve and everyone starves. Bad!
The individual has a right to land, money, and related freedoms. Good!
The individual can do what they want and never contribute back to the community. Bad!
All the good stuff is inside the walled city, all the bad stuff is outside in the dark. Result: Utopia!
Cool, huh? Like our government filtered in the good aspects of democracy and a republic and filtered out the bad. Or at least, they did...but that's a topic for another day.
It will never happen, of course.
Because greed is inherent in humans - we are, at the end of the day, another breed of mammal trying to dominate each other for resources and mates.
Or as the Real Golden Rule puts it: them with the gold makes the rules.
Our Economic Utopia Nation will still have problems with outside nations siphoning off resources and greedy "alpha" persons inside fighting to hoard power and resources, until it's not workable anymore and we have to start over.
You our country is doing now.
I'd love to know what you think. This will, of course, be roundly poo-pooh'd by the people who stand to lose the most in Utopia. But wouldn't you love to live there? Why or why not?