Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Status of this blog and my online footprint

Hi. I haven't posted a ton here. I've been busy with the work related blog, which has done as well as Blogger blogs do these days. Am I going to have to join Medium?

But I sometimes miss this corner of my internet acre, and should probably tend to it more.

But what to write about? If there's one thing the world needs a whole lot less of, it's fat old caucasian men blathering about current affairs. People like that are what made the world such a mess lately. Anyway, my non-work twitter and Quora have eaten into that well of ideas.

That leaves...what? 

The occasional essay or short story (I'm not a poet, and I know it). I'm recording music again, finally, and will start posting it on my music YouTube (backing up to Vimeo, and of course Animations and any visual arts I finish will go to Behance, with maybe some Instagrams because I want a reason to lurk there. I don't trust social media with my creative work, and neither should you.

So no plans here. But come say hi sometime.

I should update the blogroll function here, at least. Webrings and blogrolls are the cure for social media, so let's all do that.

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