Thursday, February 6, 2020

Why are you a Democrat?
Why are you a Republican?

Hello again. I've been reading a lot of grieving and wondering lately about how some people remain loyal to their political party, despite being around unsavory characters and ideas.
And I have some thoughts on that. Of course I do, that's why I'm here. Why else would I be?
You don't choose your party, your party chooses you. Where you stand on certain issues determines where you're going to land. (Insert Harry Potter witticism here. Gd forbid we not reference nerd culture during a serious discussion.)
Here's a quiz for you to demonstrate:

Is abortion
a) murder
b) a woman's inalienable right to choose
Are semiautomatic assault rifles
a) weapons of mass destruction
b) a citizen's inalienable right to defend their home
Are latinx migrants in cages on our southern border
a) trespassers on our sovereign land
b) refugees deserving of civil rights

I could go on, but you get it - you're answering these questions because they matter very much to you, and those answers determine which side of the political fence you will always be on.
So who's in that camp with you? It shouldn't matter, should it?
They're not going to be your friends, necessarily. As a member of the BAB+ camp, I wish I wasn't around people like Moby or Michael Moore, but that isn't going to change my core values. And people in the ABA+ camp probably don't like being in with people like Sheriff Clarke or Sean Hammity, but that's not going to change their core values either. Why would it?!
That goes all the way to the top. Me being in this camp with The Squad or them Clintons doesn't change my core values, and someone else being in the camp of Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell doesn't change theirs. And you're going to see this proven as the elections grind on.
So that's a trope I'd like to see go away on twitter - "How can you stand to be in the party of ?" I won't hold my breath, though.

This blog is for random essay topics. For my formal blog about work stuff, go here. Thanks!

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